midiamimesCircus animals receive a better home

Categories: News

Elsa the lioness before her rescue, Italy (Photo: Born Free Foundation)On Friday 24th October, ENDCAP members, Born Free Foundation and LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione), working with Italy’s environmental police (Corpo Forestale), seized six animals from a circus in Sardinia. This is part of a long-term project between the two NGOs to target circuses with wild animals in Italy and seek better homes for the animals, many of whom have spent years on the road and confined in beastwagons and small pens.
The dramatic rescue was featured on UK and Italian TV and printed media, including in the UK’s Daily Mail, and was funded by public donations. “This is just the beginning for these animals,” explained Born Free’s Daniel Turner. “Now that the animals have been rescued from the circus, we need to raise funds to improve their enclosures at the sanctuary, which has rehomed the animals. We also wish to eventually take the lioness, Elsa, ‘home’ to our rescue centre in South Africa. Further donations are therefore gratefully received to ensure these aspirations are achieved.”
Please consider making a donation to give these animals rescued from the circus a better life:

» Read more on the Daily Mail website
More about animals in circuses

Author: ENDCAP